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Would you please pass this information onto Michael Ian --- On Your Friends List ---- for he better watch his lies --- cheats -- and steals -- -because as of recently --- anyone of the world can go into and comment THE TRUTH onto a TRUTHFINDER report ---- when the TRUTH is the TRUTH such as it recorded --- IT CANNOT BE REVOKED or REFUSED! --- The reason why I have my entire FB Messager history now archived at:…/…/Messenger%20-%20Michael.Ian.htm

Is because Michael Cannot engage a normal flow conversation with me --- the evidence is plan to see.

And what is recorded as history of events --- placed to the web ---…/Michael%20Ian%20Keeps%20Trying%20To%20F…

Eric Maier Michael Ian


Access this Background Check instantly to see for yourself. Photos, Possible Arrest Records, Contact Information and More! Michael Ian Figart / Age: 33 /…
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James Martin Driskill I am not doing this --- THE QUICKENING IS --- For This is a Feature of TruthFinder -- DON'T DELETE OR CENSOR THE FEATURES OF THE NOW! --- and if only Michael can stop the hate and actually RELATE real truth. ut he can't -- he is a deceitful lying bastard that broke up a friendship --- .
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James Martin Driskill If this post is DELETED from view -- it is saved --- by deletion -- you will forced yourself Geoff Braund to also get listed to the
domain --- that is not great public relations of the truth -- now is it ? All materals at the domains
are siteadvisor scanned SAFE and valid for all of society.
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James Martin Driskill Mr Michael Ian Figart III can return to the fb messenger with humility --- and return the idea that the truth will set him free.
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James Martin Driskill
**** DONATIONS ACCEPTED *** If you like the peace building words of conscience and thought coming as orginial content of fully wide spread spectrum sharing out from this space here [ In The Mindway ], would you please support my ability to bring into technology new toy tools playful awareness by don...
James Martin Driskill Ask Michael to follow through with the questions of clarity that I request of him in the fb messenger archive of our history conversation --- this is required response for him to remove his standing as being @FuckedUpHuman.Net
: and what this is about --- I have the biggest balls of the all -- I also have the truth on my side ---
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